Friday, August 3, 2007

Jeff Olson "the comeback kid" on the cover of this months Picture Magazine

Can you believe it... The second time in a couple years that Picture Magazine has written an article about me.. So awesome
of Brock and the rest of the team over at Picture. Click on the link below to read the
full article written by legendary author Christina Hinke. I swear I did not say half the things she wrote ;-) !! Check it out
It is a great look at who I am and what I do !!!!!

"A superb read" NY Times July 21st 2007
"A rising star" New Yorker July 2007
"A gifted talent and waiting for his opening" Art Forum August 2007
"An inspiration to all" Tony Robbins

Take a moment and have a read... should put a smile on your face!


  1. where's the link???

  2. Hey Jeff, just wanted to say I thought it was a really good story on you.The part about you not working with the right models and outfits, thats where I'm at now Its pretty aggravating.Anyway keep up the awesome work.
